Thalles Silva/Torger Grytå/Inger Solheim

VI Seminar #70: Representation Learning of Visual Features Through Self-Supervision

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Representation Learning of Visual Features Through Self-Supervision: Recipes to learn representations from unlabeled data

Presenter: Thalles Silva, Ph.D candidate and Research Scientist, University of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil

This presentation dives into state-of-the-art techniques for learning general-purpose representations from unlabeled images. We will explore the primary paradigms of self-supervised learning (SSL) methods, detailing their core components and limitations. Additionally, we will review proposed techniques aimed at enhancing current methods. By the conclusion of this talk, viewers will have a fair understanding of contemporary SSL techniques for training deep learning models using unlabeled data, leveraging self-supervision as the source of the training signal.

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