Visual Intelligence aims at developing models that can estimate confidence and quantify uncertainty of their predictions involving complex image data.
Visual Intelligence aims at developing models that can estimate confidence and quantify uncertainty of their predictions involving complex image data.
Visual Intelligence aims to develop models that can estimate confidence and quantify the uncertainty of their predictions involving complex image data.
Deep neural networks are powerful predictive models, but they are often incapable of recognizing when their predictions may be wrong or whether the input is outside the range of which the system is expected to safely perform. For critical or automatic applications, knowledge about the confidence of predictions is essential.
Visual Intelligence has developed novel methods which better estimate the confidence and quantify the uncertainty of their predictions. Examples include methods for:
• quantifying uncertainty in pre-trained networks for sandeel segmentation in echosounder data.
• quanityfing the uncertainty when identifying geological layers.
• oil spill detection, with a particular emphasis on achieving uncertainty quantification in deep learning models for remote sensing data analysis.
By better estimating confidence and quantifying uncertainty, our proposed methods contribute to making deep learning models more robust, reliable, and trustworthy. They also become more useful in real-world scenarios where uncertainty might be inevitable.
By authors:
Andreassen, B.S., Thomas, S., Solberg, A.H.S., Samset, E., Völgyes, D.
Published in:
ASMUS 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15186
October 5, 2024
By authors:
Iver Martinsen, David Wade, Benjamin Ricaud, Fred Godtliebsen
Published in:
Artificial Intelligence in Geosciences, Volume 5, 2024
June 8, 2024
By authors:
Chlaily, Saloua; Ratha, Debanshu; Lozou, Pigi; Marinoni, Andrea
Published in:
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 2023 ;Volum 71. s.3710-3725
October 12, 2023
By authors:
Hansen, Stine; Gautam, Srishti; Salahuddin, Suaiba Amina; Kampffmeyer, Michael Christian; Jenssen, Robert
Published in:
Medical Image Analysis 2023 ;Volum 89
August 2, 2023
By authors:
Wickstrøm, Kristoffer; Trosten, Daniel Johansen; Løkse, Sigurd Eivindson; Boubekki, Ahcene; Mikalsen, Karl Øyvind; Kampffmeyer, Michael; Jenssen, Robert
Published in:
International Journal of Computer Vision 2023 ;Volum 131.(6) s.1584-1610
March 11, 2023