Lars Ailo Bongo (1,2), Per Niklas Waaler(1), and Ingrid Skjæveland(3) 1 Department of Computer Science, UiT 2 SFI Visual Intelligence 3 Norinnova
Ardiansyah Koeshidayatullah, PhD, Assistant ProfessorGeosciences DepartmentCollege of Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences King Fahd University of Petroleum and MineralsSaudi Arabia
Professor Lars Kai Hansen, Head of Section Cognitive Systems, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science - DTU Compute.
Linus Scheibenrei and Joëlle Hanna, University of St. Gallen (Switzerland)
Alexander Binder, University of Oslo and Singapore Institute of Technology
Cristiana Ferreira Tiago, PhD students at UiO in collaboration with GE Vingmed Ultrasound.
Mujde Akdeniz and Cristiana Ferreira Tiago, PhD students at UiO in collaboration with GE Vingmed Ultrasound.
Sarina Thomas, Postdoctoral researchers, UiO
Fabian Isensee, German Cancer Research Center (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum) DKFZ
Matteo Ravasi, Assistant Professor in Computational Geophysics, KAUST University, Saudi Arabia