Jonas Scherer, PhD student @Medical Image Computing (Prof. Klaus Maier-Hein) @German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ Heidelberg)
Suaiba Amina Salahuddin, UiT, PhD-student i Visual Intelligence, UiT Machine Learning Group.
Magnus Oterhals Størdal, UiT, PhD-student i Visual Intelligence, UiT Machine Learning Group.
Marius Aasen, UiO, PhD student in Visual Intelligence
Kajsa Møllersen, Associate professor, Biostatistics, UiT, Department of Community Medicine.
Rune Wetteland, PhD Candidate, University of Stavanger (UiS).
Ehsan Naeini, PhD, Chief Product Officer, Earth Science Analytics AS
Sandy Engelhardt Assistant Professor at Heidelberg University Hospital and leads the Working Group‘Artificial Intelligence in Cardiovascular Medicine
Didrik Nielsen from DTU Compute
Raul Santos Rodriguez, Turing AI Fellow and Associate Professor in Data Science and AI at the Department of Engineering Mathematics, University of Bristol