UiO students Frida Marie Engøy Westby (2nd from left) and Guri Marie Svenberg during a poster session alongside supervisor and associate professor Ali Ramezani-Kebrya. The pictured poster includes findings from UiO student Karen Stølan Nielsen’s summer project on stress recognition with machine learning.

UiO students Frida Marie Engøy Westby (2nd from left) and Guri Marie Svenberg during a poster session alongside supervisor and associate professor Ali Ramezani-Kebrya. The pictured poster includes findings from UiO student Karen Stølan Nielsen’s summer project on stress recognition with machine learning.

Insightful student summer projects on machine learning at UiO

Our summer students have worked on projects related to fatigue and stress recognition with machine learning as their first research experience. Their results were presented at Georg Sverdrups hus at University of Oslo on October 16th 2024.

Insightful student projects on machine learning at UiO

Our summer students have worked on projects related to fatigue and stress recognition with machine learning as their first research experience. Their results were presented at Georg Sverdrups hus at University of Oslo on October 16th 2024.

By Petter Bjørklund, Communication Advisor at SFI Visual Intelligence

- Stress is a reaction where your brain releases certain hormones in your body. This can lead to health problems both psychologically and physiologically, says student Karen Stølan Nielsen.

She is one of 50 UiO students who received funding from UiO:Life Science to conduct summer research projects between April and September 2024. She has developed AI models to characterize different aspects related to stress.

- In this project, we trained models to define what stress is, to assess different types of stress, and categorize different intensities of stress, Nielsen explains.

The aim of the projects was for students to perform research addressing health and disease, environmental issues or other topics related life science.

In addition to Nielsen, UiO student Guri Marie Svenberg developed AI algorithms for recognizing fatigue as part of a separate summer project.

- This was done by using EEG data that is shown to be sensitive to the fluctuations in vigilance that occur after sustained mental work, Svenberg explains.

Both Nielsen and Svenberg were supervised by associate professor Ali Ramezani-Kebrya (UiO).  Their research was presented at Georg Sverdrups hus at University of Oslo on October 16th.

Ramenzani-Kebrya describes the significance of their work.

- Guri and Karen did a fantastic job in only two months with their first-ever research projects. Their results are very promising for follow-up research in the domain of emotion recognition with machine learning, says Ramezani-Kebrya.

- The research is useful for mission critical sectors such as hospitals, airlines, and infrastructure facilities to automatically identify critical events of employees’ fatigue and stress, he adds.

Ramezani-Kebrya presenting Nielsen's research on fatigue detection with machine learning. Here alongside UiO student Frida Marie Engøy Westby, who will work on a similar topic to Nielsen’s project in her master thesis. Photo: Private

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