From the left: Selma Skar Baglo, Petter Bjørklund, Samuel Kuttner, and Benjamin Ricaud at the science fair at the Science Centre of Northern Norway. Photo: UiT.

From the left: Selma Skar Baglo, Petter Bjørklund, Samuel Kuttner, and Benjamin Ricaud at the science fair at the Science Centre of Northern Norway. Photo: UiT.

Visual Intelligence at Forskningsdagene 2024

Visual Intelligence researchers participated in various dissemination activities throughout Forskningsdagene 2024. The activities aimed to disseminate general knowledge about deep learning and Visual Intelligence's research activities to the general public.

Visual Intelligence at Forskningsdagene 2024

Visual Intelligence researchers participated in various dissemination activities throughout Forskningsdagene 2024. The activities aimed to disseminate general knowledge about deep learning and Visual Intelligence's research activities to the general public.

By Petter Bjørklund, Communication Advisor at SFI Visual Intelligence

Forskningsdagene (The National Science Week in Norway) is an annual research festival in Norway. The festival aims to stimulate the general public's curiosity and interest in science and research through various popular science events across Norway. The overarching theme of Forskningsdagene 2024 was "Health". This year's festival was organized from September 18th to 29th 2024.

Researchers from the Visual Intelligence consortium in Tromsø participated in various dissemination activities throughout the research festival. The activities aimed to disseminate general knowledge about deep learning and Visual Intelligence's research activities.

Popular science article for children

AI has the potential to transform the health sector in various ways. In a popular science article for children aged 12 to 14, centre director Robert Jenssen and associate professor Kristoffer Wickstrøm discuss the potential of AI within healthcare and its current applications at healthcare institutions in Scandinavia.

The story was featured on UiT The Arctic University of Norway's popular science magazine Labyrint and the popular science news platform

An illustration of AI's "superpowers". The image is generated by Adobe Firefly.

Science fair at the Science Centre of Northern Norway

Associate professors Benjamin Ricaud and Samuel Kuttner have worked extensively the past year with developing an AI exhibition for children at the Science Centre of Northern Norway. The exhibit aims to stimulate children's interest and understanding for AI technologies.

The exhibition was officially launched as part of an open science fair at the science centre on September 22nd. Children of all ages and parents got to test out the latest addition throughout the event. Approximately 1000 unique visitors participated in the open event.

The launch was accompanied by a stand activity which aimed to give children and parents an introduction to AI. Ricaud, Kuttner, VI communication advisor Petter Bjørklund and UiT student Selma Skar Baglo were present at the launch and stand activity.

Nordlys, the largest news agency in Northern Norway, wrote a news article about the exhibition. Read more about it on Nordlys (NB! Requires a subscription)

From the left: Selma Skar Baglo, Petter Bjørklund, Samuel Kuttner, and Benjamin Ricaud at the science fair at the Science Centre of Northern Norway. Photo: UiT.
Parents and children testing out the AI exhibition. Photo: Petter Bjørklund/SFI Visual Intelligence

Popular science talk at Vertshuset Skarven

PhD candidate Jørgen Aarmo Lund took part in the popular science event "På helsa løs" at Vertshuset Skarven on September 26th. The event invited UiT researchers to present their academic work to the general public. Around 55 people participated in the popular science event.

Lund gave a presentation titled "Voffor det då? Om "forklarbarhet" i helse-KI". The talk addressed the importance of explainable AI models within healthcare.

After the presentation, the audience got the opportunity to ask questions to Lund about the presented topic.

PhD candidate Jørgen Aarmo Lund giving a popular science talk at Vertshuset Skarven in Tromsø. Photo: Petter Bjørklund/SFI Visual Intelligence.

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