News from Visual Intelligence

Change of Chair of the Visual intelligence Board

December 11, 2023

Gudmundur Jøkulsson, Kongsberg Satellite Services succeeds Anita Schumacher, CEO University Hospital of North Norway as chair of the Visual intelligence Board from 2024.

Communication LoG meetup

December 4, 2023

Tromsø Local Meetup for the Learning on Graphs conference

Visit from The Computer Vision Lab, University of Victoria, Canada

November 25, 2023

The Visual Intelligence group at NR recently had a visit by from Mélissa Côté, Research Associate at the Computer Vision Lab to discuss deep learning and marine acoustic data.

Ja takk til «krysskulturelle» prosjekter drevet fram av teknologiutvikling

November 21, 2023

Forskningsrådet står ovenfor en krevende oppgave med å blidgjøre et stort og aktivt KI-miljø i Norge. Vi håper at eksemplene på vellykket samarbeid mellom humanister og teknologer kan være til inspirasjon i prosessen

KnowEarth: Maskinlæring og sunn fornuft

November 4, 2023

KnowEarth skal integrere menneskelig kunnskap i dagens AI-modeller og lage neste generasjons analyseverktøy. Nå er arbeidet endelig i gang!

Visual Intelligence presents at Arctic Investment Day

October 31, 2023

Michael Kampffmeyer presents "AI's future path, what are the opportunities?" at the Arctic Investment day 2023 hosted by Norinova.

Jacob Kauffmann research stay at Visual intelligence

October 30, 2023

Jacob Kauffmann, PhD student at the Machine Learning group at Technical University of Berlin, was a guest scientist at Visual Intelligence, UiT July-October 2023.

Best presentation award at AINM 2023

October 23, 2023

Fredrik Aspheim, Luigi Luppino, and Samuel Kuttner were co-authors of work that were awarded for best presentation at the Artificial Intelligence and Informatics in Nuclear Medicine Symposium Symposium (AINM) 2023.

Open position: PhD fellow in deep learning for future healthcare solutions

October 19, 2023

The PhD position is part of the UiT-funded project “Consortium for patient-centered artificial intelligence” in close collaboration with the University Hospital of North Norway. As a part of our team, you will be key for transforming healthcare for the future needs with AI.

Visual Intelligence Days 2023 was a great success!

October 9, 2023

The Visual Intelligence Days (VI Days) took place Sept. 27 and 28 at Hotel Olavsgaard outside Oslo with 85 participants.

Successful PhD Defence by Sara Björk

October 6, 2023

Sara Marie Björk defended her PhD thesis “Deep convolutional regression modelling for forest parameter retrieval” on October 6th 2023 at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

Klare for å levere toppforskning og innovasjon innen kunstig intelligens (KI)

September 7, 2023

Visual intelligence og norske forskningssentre innen kunstig intelligens er klare til å bidra til regjeringens ambisiøse milliardsatsning på KI for å utvikle trygg, pålitelig, og effektiv kunstig intelligens som vil gagne samfunnet, innovasjonen og utdanningen.

Vil rekruttere kunstig intelligens-forskere med utstilling

September 4, 2023

Maskinlæringsgruppa ved UiT skal i gang med å lage en permanent utstilling om kunstig intelligens. Målet er å rekruttere fremtidens forskere innen faget.

Work presented at CVPR 2023 and Invited Talk at MIUA 2023

August 25, 2023

Visual Intelligence presents at premier conferences.

Well received PhD defense at the Visual Intelligence Research Centre

August 23, 2023

Daniel Johansen Trosten defended his PhD thesis “Improving Representation Learning for Deep Clustering and Few-shot Learning” on August 23rd 2023 at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

Invited lecturer at DTU course on Advanced Topics in Machine Learning

August 23, 2023

Visual Intelligence researcher Kristoffer Wickstrøm was invited to give lectures at the Technical University of Denmark's summer school on self-supervised learning.

Vil du formidle forsking på og kunnskap om kunstig intelligens?

August 23, 2023

Ledig stilling som kommunikasjonsrådgiver i forskningsruppe for maskinlæring. Vi søker engasjert formidler som kan øke vår synlighet ved å formidle vår forskning til et bredt publikum.

Visual Intelligence research presented in invited keynote talks and tutorials at the top venues

July 4, 2023

Visual Intelligence’s advances in fundamental and applied deep learning research is gaining widespread attention and visibility.

Summer course on self-supervised learning

June 23, 2023

Visual Intelligence-lead course on self-supervised learning as part of the NORA summer school 2023