Outreach at Visual Intelligence

Outreach constitutes one of several core activities at Visual Intelligence. As such, the research centre aims to communicate its research activity and achieved innovations through different channels and arenas for dissemination, in accordance with the Norwegian University and University College Act.

The purpose is to engage and inform the general public, Norwegian decision makers, and other relevant audience groups of the value and importance of Visual Intelligence's research output.

Our outreach and communication measures include, but are not limited to, scientific publishing, popular science dissemination, the Visual Intelligence Online Seminar Series, and social media activity.

Applying Deep Learning for Seismic Interpretation

June 10, 2021
VI Seminar 2021 #8

Interpreting and understanding seismic data is a key process for accurate subsurface analysis in oil and gas exploration. We have recently started putting deep learning neural networks to use in assisting the interpreter to gain efficiency and quality. Digitalization and improved analysis has become an important step for Equinor to achieve success when Identifying new prospects, making new discoveries and extending the lifetime of existing fields. The talk will cover seismic and seismic interpretation (the “why”, “what” and “how”) and our effort to train neural networks to mimic the interpreters reasoning and understanding of complex data.

Automated building detection from airborne hyperspectral and lidar data

May 27, 2021
VI Seminar 2021 #7

Urban maps in Norway are currently updated using manual photo interpretation on stereo aerial imagery. However, there is often a substantial delay after completion of construction work until new buildings, roads, etc. appear in updated versions of the urban maps. Automated pixel-based urban land cover classification from multispectral aerial images of very high resolution has proven difficult since the same spectral values may occur within several land cover types. Airborne hyperspectral data may provide better discriminative power. However, there is still the problem that the same types of material may exist within different land cover types, such as buildings, roads, parks, gardens, etc. In this seminar Øyvind Trier dives into how these challenges can be assessed using deep learning.

Talk and panel debate about digitalization and the future of drug treatment

May 7, 2021
Norwegian Hospital Pharmacists Association’s conference

Director Robert Jenssen gave a talk and took part in a panel debate at the Norwegian Hospital Pharmacists Association’s conference on how AI and digitalization will impact future drug treatment.

Bayesian methods approaches to neural networks

May 6, 2021
VI Workshop #3

Machine learning methods, such as deep neural networks, have been shown to be very successful for prediction in many different applications. Standard use of such methods do however not account for or underestimate the full uncertainty related to these predictions. The Bayesian approach allows for a formal way of making proper uncertainty quantification. Recently, such methods have also gained popularity within the machine learning community. In this talk Professor Geir Olve Storvik from UiO will describe how the Bayesian methodology can be applied to machine learning.We will discuss both advantages and challenges related to apply such methods in practice.

Probabliity calibration for predictive machine learning

May 6, 2021
VI Workshop #3

The research area of probability calibration refers to a set of work that focuses on the uncertainty and confidence of model predictions. On the top level, we want the models to be well-calibrated on the predicted probabilities. That is, the target variable should follow closely to the distribution as indicated by every distinct prediction. In this talk, Research Associate Hao Song from University of Bristol will provide an overview of the research area, including typical definitions, evaluation measures, and approaches that can improve the level of calibration.

Learning network architecture with bayesion neural networks

May 6, 2021
VI Workshop #3

Bayesian Neural Networks are an alternative approach to classic NN models, offering "built-in" uncertainty measures and convenient regularization. Performing inference on a BNN results in a joint posterior distribution of network parameters, which can provide insight into what makes for a well-specified network for a given problem. Master student at UiT, Jonathan Edward Berezowski, discusses how to define a BNN with these features and introduce the method of Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo as one potential approach to inference.

Deep Learning meets Modeling: Taking the Best out of Both Worlds

April 29, 2021
VI Seminar 2021 #6

In this talk, we will develop a conceptual approach by combining the model-based method of sparse regularization by shearlets with the data-driven method of deep learning. Our solvers are guided by a microlocal analysis viewpoint to pay particular attention to the singularity structures of the data. Focussing then on the inverse problem of (limited-angle) computed tomography, we will show that our algorithms significantly outperform previous methodologies, including methods entirely based on deep learning. Finally, we will also briefly touch upon the issue of how to interpret such approaches

Designing deep learning studies in medical diagnostics and beyond

April 15, 2021
VI Seminar 2021 #5

Many deep learning studies are not designed to provide unbiased estimation of the system's performance in the intended application. Reports of overoptimistic estimates and opportunities may inflate the expectation of what is currently possible, misguide resource allocation, and hamper the progression of the field. In this talk, we will look into how the performance of a deep learning system in an intended application could be estimated more reliably than what is currently common practice, even if restricted to using retrospective data.

Using Neural Networks for Satellite Based Maritime Monitoring

March 18, 2021
VI Seminar 2021 #4

The recent advances in deep learning and drastic increase in number of imaging satellites, new levels of automation are possible and necessary. KSAT is investing significantly into modern MLOps practices to achieve this and intends to use its membership in Visual Intelligence to solve the research aspects of this transformation.

Andrew Gilbert: Generating Synthetic Labeled Data from Existing Anatomical Models

March 4, 2021
VI Seminar 2021 #3

Deep learning can bring time savings and increased reproducibility to medical image analysis. However, acquiring training data is challenging due to the time-intensive nature of labeling and high inter-observer variability in annotations. Rather than labeling images, in this work we propose an alternative pipeline where images are generated from existing high-quality annotations using generative adversarial networks (GANs). Annotations are derived automatically from previously built anatomical models and transformed into realistic synthetic ultrasound images with CycleGAN.